Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Welcoming Raw Food Into Your Life

Deep-fried French fries for breakfast? Or a huge golden-brown roasted steak, dripping with butter. Surrounded by finger chips and garnished by a sprig of basil with rich and creamy mayonnaise? Ah, the scent of exotic herbs. Your taste buds prickle with delight. You nearly feel the steak that is melting in your mouth. Yummy treat huh? But wait! Before even munching, think about the cholesterol you are welcoming into your body?

In the event that you tend to be health-conscious as well as have sufficient will-power, you may drive away this delicious image and head out for a little something more banal, such as a boiled salad. But is that really as healthy as it seems? The new mantra doing the rounds is that will any-repeat, any-cooked food is avoidable. "In cooked food," says Jehangir Palkhivala, an Indian yoga therapist, "life forces are utilized away from the food. Raw food can be consumed easily without having applying pressure on our internal organs." Read this raw food blog for more info.

And this is only for starters.

Nutrition technology is rapidly attaining the reputation of being a healing and precautionary device. Dr Nand Kishore Sharma, a naturopath in New Delhi, India, feels that the majority of illnesses are triggered by bad food habits. "Unnatural food, which includes any type of food not found in nature, generates toxins that progressively poison the body," he says. From his 'Fireless Kitchen', Dr Sharma provides individuals regenerative or natural food with regard to degenerative diseases. The following, he states, has healed many. "I have even seen individuals grow new teeth as well as hair at 60 and 70 years of age," he says.

Urvashi Rawal is a case in point. A homeopath coming from Mumbai, India, she suddenly misplaced her voice in 1988. Doctors may possibly not help her beyond diagnosing that she had created some nodes on her vocal chords. Throughout this time she met Rishi Prabhakar, who launched her to his Siddha Samadhi Yoga(SSY) and put her on a complete raw food diet. "I suffered from serious diarrhea for the first few days. In the process, organic food flushed out all the toxins coming from my body," Rawal (now Ma Urvashi) recalls. Within just 6 months, she obtained her voice. Currently she is a senior SSY instructor.

Raw food is generally defined as that which is not necessarily cooked, applied to fire or fragmented. Uday Chotai, the naturohygienist from Mumbai, offers: "According to naturopathy, there are a couple of kinds of food which are suncooked and also uncooked. Fruits which ripen in the sun slide into the category of suncooked food. Natural or raw food have not ripened at all." But both types possess high pranic value and also meet each and every necessity of the body.

All of the authors agreed and affirmed that nature is a really a most effective resource manager. Throughout summer, we get juicy fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, muskmelon, mint in addition to cucumber, which have a cooling effect. In winters, there are dry fruits and dates. The authors discourage having non-seasonal fruits and also vegetables since they have low nutrition value. Furthermore, the nutrients that the physique gets . from seasonal fruits and veggies are consumed and kept in store for coming seasons. Any minor prerequisites can be compensated through available seasonal fruits plus vegetables.

However, despite this kind of a foolproof organic system, person tends to experiment with nature- often with adverse results. We eat peeled fruits and vegetables because that they taste better and are easier to chew. The negative thing about this is that, we eliminate these of their vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Proper chewing has its very own benefits: the better way we chew food particles on the mouth, the better does the food particles are blended in with digestive juices. Therefore, this reduces pressure on the digestive system as well.

Get up your couch and start making a big change and improve yourself! Discover more tips about raw food diet programs while also enjoying raw food diet recipes , only from Higher Well Being, your one stop shop for all your health needs!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

4 Easy Weight Loss Support Methods To Encourage Your Loved Ones

Last time I wrote about how to organize and stick to your raw food diet program which is very essential for us to maintain our diet by knowing effective ways to stick to it. Now I want to give you some tips on how you can support your friends and family members who are also begginers so that they can stick to this healthy routine of raw food diet program too.

Providing weight reduction assistance to your loved ones can make a big difference in their lives. Frequently when people are stuck in a rut, eating the same foods over and over, or turning to food to take away the monotony or reduce their tension, the patterns can be difficult to break. The unique person inside your life might understand that he or she requirements to alter things but does not have the motivation or support to complete it. Here are four ways which you can motivate your loved ones who are battling with weight problems.

1. Always Think Positive

A very good way to assist your family member or friends when they are trying to lose weight naturally is to give them positive feedbacks especially whenever you see an improvement. If they have lost a few pounds and you discover it, comment on it. Give a warm smile when you do. Dieting can be a really stressful activity for some people. Occasionally the scale might not reveal a difference, but less bloating or much more muscular toning can change the appearance of a physique. Support your buddies and relatives by telling them whenever they’re improving to provide a mental boost whenever they are working hard on making self improvements.

Focusing on the positive also means more patience and not being preachy when your loved ones go off their diets. The dieter is probably already feeling guilty when this occurs. It is better if you do not make him/her feel guilty about it. If she says that she’s mad at herself for cheating on her diet plan, just remind her that it is just part of the challenge and that tomorrow is another day.

2. Become a Workout Partner

Physical exercise is really a substantial component of a successful weight loss plan. Some dieters don't physical exercise simply because they discover it boring or too difficult. A good method to assistance your buddy or loved 1 would be to be their workout buddy. Find an activity which you each enjoy and commit to performing it regularly. Whether or not you're exercising to a video in your living room, going on a walk every day following work or agreeing to meet at the gym every evening, exercising together with your loved 1 is an efficient way to show your assistance.

3. Be Open, Be A Listener

Among the difficulties that dieters are faced with is emotional gluttony. Numerous people eat a lot because they are lonely, depressed, angry or stressed out. Providing weight reduction support to your loved one might just mean that when he or she is in a bad mood, you are there to listen. Some people just need to speak things out. They may ask for advice or they may not. The important is to listen carefully and offer emotional assistance. Sometimes it also means suggesting activities you can do together that don't involve eating.

4. Be a Role Model

It can be very difficult for somebody who is trying to slim down to become surrounded by food that he or she isn't supposed to eat. One way to offer weight reduction support is to steer clear of eating forbidden foods about your loved one. This might mean that you don't supply your kitchen with these foods in the event you reside together. Or it might mean which you just do not eat these foods whilst dining together with your loved one.

We would like to invite you to read more of our simple tips on raw food diet and how to become more healthier with our raw food slimming recipes too!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

4 Tips to Organizing and Sticking to a Healthy Consuming Program

Let’s face it, if you are new to raw food diet or any kind of diet for that matter, it is hard to stick to it. That’s a fact. More so if on the first stages of incorporating raw food to your diet you experienced eating foods that were badly prepared. I assure you that like any other food, diet or no diet, there will always be delicious and not so delicious food that you might encounter. So for your health’s sake stick to your raw food diet.

The key to organizing a sticking to a healthy consuming plan is keeping track of the issues that you encountered and setting realistic goals for yourself. The worst thing that you can do, whether your goal would be to lose weight, preserve your weight or do something else completely, is to shed track of how you are progressing or set objectives for yourself which are too high. Read on for a couple of tips on how you can organize and stick to a healthy eating strategy.

1. Set Reasonable Goals

The first thing which you need to do is think about what you’re hoping to achieve via your raw food diet plan. Consider that a weight loss plan that's carried out more than an extended time period and accomplished via a number of various means will usually be a lot more successful than a crash weight reduction. You need to set reasonable objectives that you can measure frequently. For instance, rather than promising yourself that you’ll shed a particular quantity of weight inside a particular time period, opt instead to exercise a certain number of times per week or to limit your desserts to once or twice per week. The latter two choices are much simpler to manage and keep track of.

2. Monitor Your Progress

After you’ve set affordable objectives that you can accomplish and that you can chart via measurement over a normal time period, you’ll need to become diligent about monitoring yourself. If your wholesome eating strategy demands which you weigh yourself, do so regularly and at the same time of day and on the same day from the week.

3. Maintain a Food Journal

If you’re prone to cheating on a diet or a wholesome eating plan, force yourself to keep a food journal. The food journal should document each item which you eat throughout every day, nevertheless big or little. Keeping track of the foods that you eat will assist you to much better check precisely how much you are putting into your system at any given time, and more than the course of an extended eating strategy.

4. Give Yourself Some Options and Be Creative

It’s very important to supply yourself with many various meal options in the event you hope to maintain your wholesome consuming plan for a lengthy time period. Too couple of choices will cause you to become bored with what you’re performing and consuming, and this is a step toward cheating on or breaking your diet strategy. Have a range of wholesome choices that you can substitute in at any time and without much difficulty. Choose items which you appreciate eating, and don’t be afraid to modify your options with extra wholesome options later on.

For more information regarding raw food diet programs, check out our other amazing raw food slimming article tips!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Raw Food Diet Video - Introduction To Raw Food Diet

This video is an introduction to RAW FOOD DIET, and what is it all about?

Why raw food diet ? Because people today are more keen on healthy living as a defense to our polluted environment and stressful daily activities, raw food diets are becoming more indispensable.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting Rid of Dry Skin By Eating Raw Foods

It was a bit of a shock. Without warning, the skin on the tips of my left hand became dry, red, wrinkled and scaling. Then it appeared normal after a couple of days, but came back a lot more serious than before, especially on my left thumb. What I did was that I’d apply some moisturizer on my fingers, only to discover they require more moisturizer minutes later. This went on for numerous weeks. I was really dumbfounded and wanted to find out what caused this irritating problem.

started paying attention to all of the things I touched with my left hand. Soon the root cause emerged, and inside the strangest place- dried peas. In early spring they appear at the farmers’ marketplace and huge bags of them wind up in my fridge. I'd peel them, thrusting my left thumb into every pod to dig out these delicious peas. I have to confess I didn’t clean the pods. Apparently, pesticides left on the pods had been getting on the tips of my fingers, making this maddening dryness. Is it feasible that eating non-organic create could be drying me from the inside?

We care about what we eat, so we eat
the most nutritious fruits as well as vegetables we can find. But the mere selection you make in the marketplace is not adequate. You need to be sure you can find no toxic chemicals left on your produce. Get organic whenever you'll be able to. If organic generate isn’t accessible, or if you just need to take that extra precaution, add a few droplets of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a bowl of water and soak your produce in there for a few minutes.

I’ve heard of
people eliminating eczema, even following years of suffering. Following each shower they would find their skin incredibly itchy. The treatment: Install a shower filter system-a easy, do-it-yourself process-to get rid of chlorine along with other chemical substances.

along with eliminating standard commercial bar soap, can bring fantastic relief from dryness. Within days, this can completely eliminate an eczema issue. Chemical substances of any kind, coming to us by way of water, soap or through the foods we eat, appear in our bodies wanting to avoid these foreign particles, which are harming the body’s exterior and interior. Consuming organic raw foods plus drinking filtered water-drinking vegetable juice from organic generate is even far better!-further helps in keeping wholesome skin.

Our skin
really is the body’s largest organ, accounting for about 16% of our physical weight. Our skin loses about 30,000 to 40,000 dead cells nearly every minute per day, although we seldom notice it occurring. The skin actually sheds a layer of these dead cells each and every 24 hours, and entirely renews on its own in about a thirty day period. Talk about rejuvenation!

My hands and fingertips
are back to normal and appear smooth and fully hydrated. Rejuvenation was taking full effect! When the agent that leads to dryness is eliminated, your skin gets back to its normal, moist condition and you can accomplish that glowing complexion you're after.

In case you are still having problems with your dry skin, keep looking for a remedy. Could it be that your cooked food is drying you from the inside? Or that your commercial fresh raw fruits and vegetables are delivering drying toxins? Or it may even be that your juices include residues of pesticides from non-organic create?

There are several other causes for dry skin and other cures as well.

Here are some remedies like using a humidifier, eating a handful of soaked nuts daily
and dry-brushing, removing dead skin and clearing your glands to produce natural oils.

Whatever the
cause of one's dry skin, there's a remedy. Begin with the inside- by eating nutritious raw foods free of chemicals and pesticides! Give your skin the correct atmosphere and dry-brush each day to totally free up your skin’s personal healing functions. In due time, you will be able to have great skin-naturally again!

RawFoodSlimmingPlan, a Higher Well Being website, gives the very best raw food diet and fat burning diet plan, raw food slimming blog and recipes.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Natural Food That Help Fight Prostate Cancer

Ever wonder why in some countries prostate cancer and prostatitis is especially high, while some countries have a much lower incident of such illness of the prostate. Well-documented scientific studies have shown that nutrition plays a major role to the prevention and guard of diseases of the prostate. As an example, instances of prostate cancer are significantly lower in the eastern culture, like Japan or China where the kind of natural food diet is depending on the use of particular vegetables seem to become crucial in preventing these diseases. Other countries, like America, whose food is according to excessive intake of animal fat, exactly where such diseases are much more frequent.

appropriate for prostate diseases

The primary foods that are helpful to stop or enhance prostate illnesses consist of the following:

- Food
wealthy in vitamin E: Vitamin E, among other properties, besides anti-inflammatory properties, well suited to avoid inflammation of the prostate, has antitumor properties capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer, colon and prostate. Consuming foods rich in this vitamin is an successful protection against these cancers. Foods especially wealth in vitamin E are:

- Green leafy vegetables:
They are one of the categories of foods abundant in this vitamin.

-Nuts: like vegetables, nuts are
great source of in vitamin E and may be really helpful within the diet from the prostate.

- The wheat germ.

- Soy
and other legumes: The cause why the cultures of Japan or China have much less percentage of these illnesses lies in its high consumption of this legume. Soy is a powerful anti-cancer. Studies in Japan, where individuals generally eat great servings of soup, usually soybean, showed that a everyday intake of a bowl of soup decreased to 1 / 3 the opportunity of developing stomach cancer. Also has been identified to eat soy or derivatives stops the growth of cancer cells, particularly breast, men's prostate, uterus and colon.

reason for this home is as a result of the existence of several components called isoflavones as well as lignans, that have the energy to reduce the male hormones that are directly accountable for benign prostatic hyperplasia or noncancerous growth in the prostate and to hinder the growth of cancer cells in this organ.

It's consequently highly desirable to incorporate soy as a staple food. Keep in mind that in addition to the vegetable, we've a entire arsenal of items derived from soybeans, which have exactly the same properties, will enable us to prepare numerous culinary dishes while we eating exactly the same vegetable. Amongst these mention: tofu or soy cheese, soy milk as well as soy meat.

Within the group of legumes, soybeans are probably the most suggested, however it ought to be noted that consumption of other legumes such as peas or beans, benefit the management or amelioration of these diseases, as most members of this group foods include a greater or lesser extent similar components.

- Alfalfa and alfalfa sprouts: It has been
found that yet another really essential legumes within the control of illnesses from the prostate is alfalfa. If typically utilized this plant for animal feed, is now believed that its usage, especially of sprouted sprouts could be very interesting in preventing prostate cancer. Its properties are because of the presence of two isoflavones, called genistein and daidzein, which stop the formation of cancerous tumors in this organ.

- Pumpkin: Pumpkin, by their
content of carotenoids, is yet another in the advised foods. The properties of carotenoids are very broad. Amongst all of them deserve unique attention their ability to inhibit cancer development. It has been shown the importance of consumption of green leafy foods such as leeks or pumpkin in stopping prostate cancer in its capacity to prevent an boost in prostate condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, a condition that will occur in males typically after 50 years and, whilst not as significant as cancer, is a really significant discomfort when urinating or sex.

- Cabbage: Cabbage and members
from the cabbage family members, Brussels, cabbage cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, abundant in vitamin C, cysteine, and sulforrafano glucosinolates, are a lot more foods that protect us against cancers (mainly breast lung, stomach, ovary, prostate and colon) would be proper to eat any of these vegetables once each day. The antioxidant properties of this family are regarded as extremely fascinating for the prevention of numerous physical illnesses, resulting especially appropriate in the health care of the arteries and heart. Amongst essentially the most potent anti-oxidant of this plant is alpha lipoic acid, a component that for some time was deemed more of a vitamin B group, whose antioxidant properties have been extremely praised in current years.

- Tomatoes: For their lycopene
content material and glutathione, two potent anti-cancer, eat plenty of tomato salad .

- Oily fish: Members of oily fish (mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon,
and so on.) must enter as a routine particularly in individuals with prostate problems, so they ought to eat at the very least 3 times a week. These foods are rich in omega 3. The inclusion of foods or supplements wealthy in this component protects against the occurrence of specific cancers particularly colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. They are able to also shrink tumors by stopping the growth of cancer cells or avoid them, by metastasis, recurrence elsewhere inside the body.

- Foods
wealthy in zinc: Zinc inhibits the production of dihydrotestosterone whose elevated levels are connected with improved prostate noncancerous An increase of zinc in prostate cells appears to be efficient in the prevention and remedy of Enlarged Prostate Problems. Are rich in zinc celery, asparagus, borage, figs, potatoes, nuts, eggplant, cashews, sunflower, onions, beans, lentils, peaches, almonds, radishes, pears, papayas, entire grains, etc.. People that don't need to make a vegetarian-only program can opt for the consumption of seafood (especially oysters), liver and eggs are animal foods rich in zinc.

- Water In abundance: For the
treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia intake is advised pints at least of water a day. At 1st the large intake of water can worsen symptoms of the illness but, when the bladder is adapted, the sick can boost urination and not really feel so negative when wet.

Food detrimental to prostate

The following foods
aren't suitable within the diet of people with these diseases:

wealthy in saturated fats: There appears to be a confirmed direct link among fatty foods of animal origin and elevated prostate cancers. Also these foods could be responsible for inflammation of benign prostatic be prudent and are recommended to eat less of these foods in prostate patients.

It is believed that consumption of alcohol may improve the likelihood of Prostate Cancer.

Stimulants: The use of artificial or
organic stimulants for example coffee, chocolate or cocoa and cola, not appropriate for patients Prostate Rather, to increase urination, we suggest the use of medicinal plants most appropriate.

For more information regarding raw food diet programs, check out our other amazing raw food slimming articles and recipe tips!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fat Burning - Great Tips for Healthy Diet, Fat Burn and Fitness

Are you wondering just what healthy dieting is? It is just a way to shed weight and keep your weight within optimal limits. It is actually safe and effective. It has long-lasting results. Find out how to get all of this and more.

Eat healthy foods and avoid calorie-rich ones. Healthy foods include fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole fiber cereals, paste as well as bread and low-fat dairy foods. Fish, boneless along with skinless chicken and lean beef can also be good for you in small portions. Avoid junk food, fast food, oily food and sugary foods. These are the fundamentals of healthy dieting.

Downsize the amount you eat. This healthy dieting tip concerns calories too. The smaller the portions you eat the lower the calorie count is, all things being equal. You can readily enjoy smaller portions by having a three-dish meal with a fresh salad, a small main dish and a fruit dessert. Another technique is to have a glass of water or two before sitting at the table.

Have 4 to 5 meals a day for healthful dieting and successful weight reduction. When you starve for considerable durations, your blood sugar levels fall. In turn, you get to experience food cravings and strong cravings which are difficult to handle. For your next meal, you tend to consume a lot more than you need to. The best fix for your problem is to enjoy one snack in the morning then one in the afternoon between meals. These can be very light. Low-fat sugar free natural yogurt, raw nuts and fruits are some of the best alternatives.

Cook meals by yourself. This is essential for healthy dieting. In this manner, you can choose only fresh and nutritious ingredients. You should have the opportunity to use recipes that need hardly any oil for cooking. You'll take pleasure in healthy raw food recipes rather than deep fried foods. Cooking your personal meals will help you to create any dish super scrumptious by using different herbs and spices. While you certainly know, delicious dishes provide you with greater satisfaction and allow you to eat less.

Treat yourself with something healthy and delicious every once in a while. Healthy dieting is not about torturing the body and also your mind. It is about slimming down and becoming fit while savoring life to the fullest. That's the reason you shouldn't deny yourself a treat every now and then. Healthy food choices treats include things like dark chocolate, frosty yogurt as well as dried fruits.

Reduce stress in your life as much as you are able to. Stress makes us eat more. That is why it is one of the main enemies of healthy dieting. There are numerous a stress reliever methods that generate excellent outcomes and that you can readily enjoy. Some of the most popular ones are yoga, meditation, gardening and also spa treatments. Generally speaking, any kind of exercise is great for relieving stress also.

Get some exercise regularly for healthy dieting. It isn't just about the calories you intake with food. It is also with regards to the calories you burn. Cardio exercises, and exercises like running, swimming and cycling, are definitely the most beneficial to lose weight and general fitness. It is best to exercise for up to one hour on alternate days. In this manner, you will burn fat rather than protein that your body needs. You will let the body recover from the exercise stress effectively. Make sure you warm-up and cool right down to avoid injuries.
Now that you've learned how to go about get into healthy dieting. Remember that these particular fundamentals will give you a head start and gives excellent results. By learning more about the topic, you'll be able to maintain these recent results for good.

Discover more tips about raw food diet programs while also enjoying raw food slimming diet recipes !